
The Nutcracker– Isla’s First Ice Skating Performance

The Nutcracker was the first formal show Isla has participated in, and I feel like it may have been just as big of a milestone for me as a mom as it was for her as the performer! One of the most distinct memories I have came from my first year of teaching when I watched my students sing their little hearts out during a holiday concert. Sitting there in the school auditorium, I was suddenly overcome with the realization that one day I would (hopefully) be watching my own child perform. Tears welled up in my eyes as I imagined how incredible it would be to see him or her bravely stand up in front of an audience and share something they had worked hard to learn. This was 6 years before Isla came into our lives. I had no idea who our children would be, but I was already dreaming of the joy I would feel watching their milestones and achievements.

Isla has been such a little performer her whole life, and she has dreamed of taking part in a play or recital for years. The second I learned about the Nutcracker show at Isla’s ice skating rink I knew she would want to be part of it. She attended rehearsals after her regular skating lessons for the past two months and worked hard to memorize her routine.

When the day of the performance came and our little ornament skated bravely onto the ice, my heart felt like it was going to explode! Isla was absolutely beaming and did such a wonderful job! I managed to hold back most of my proud mom tears, and I couldn’t help but think back to that moment in my school’s auditorium when I first imagined how amazing it would be to watch my own child perform. It was every bit as magical as I dreamed it would be, if not more!

So many loved ones came to show their support (here are just a few), which meant the world to us all!

After the performance, my mom hosted a luncheon— Nutcracker themed, of course— and it was the perfect way to celebrate our little ice skater’s big milestone!