Oh, wonderful, beautiful, magical October! As always, you fill our lives with happiness… and so many pumpkins (which further amplifies our joy!). Our favorite month of the year always flies by too fast, but with two trips to our favorite patch, decorating, crafting, and carving, we relished each and every pumpkin-filled day!
Forever inspired by Sophie’s Squash, Isla chooses her own Bernice each year!
We practically had the whole patch to ourselves both trips (hooray!), so we could safely remove our masks while we searched for the perfect pumpkins.
Pumpkin patch hugs miiiiiight just be the best hugs!
More pumpkin patch hugs. Sometimes Cole loves with a little too much enthusiasm!
What a treat it was to decorate my very own mantel for the first time ever! I loaded the hearth with as many beautiful pumpkins as I could, and while arranging them, discovered my love of little pumpkin piles. Aren’t they the sweetest?!
Speaking of sweet, I took Isla’s adorable cardboard up-cycled pumpkins and turned them into a garland. We just LOVE incorporating the kids’ artwork into our decor. Their creations add an extra dose love and charm to the cottage!
Even felt pumpkins bring my heart joy!!!
Pumpkin carving was super fun this year! The kids were so focused and eager to participate in every step of the process– even scooping out the seeds! In fact, I don’t think I have ever seen a more enthusiastic seed scooper than Cole! In the middle of it all, he looked up at us, fist-pumped, and exclaimed, “This is the best Halloween ever!”
Seed scooping bliss!!!
We found the cutest little stowaway on one of the pumpkins.
Coley Boley, always delighting in being a little bit sneaky.
Isla’s passion for How to Train Your Dragon has spilled over into every aspect of her life right now, and she was determined to make a Toothless Jack-O-Lantern. She worked so hard to draw, and re-draw, her design until it was just right. She did most of the cutting by herself too!
Farewell, lovely October. Thank you for all the cheerful pumpkins and happy days. We wish we could start over and enjoy it all again!