August gifted us another beautiful week at our cottage. WOO HOO!!!
It’s hard to believe it was our last full week at our favorite place for the foreseeable future. Life is about to change drastically with Isla beginning kindergarten next week. Having lived by our own schedule for the last 4 years, and absolutely relishing that freedom, I am feeling extremely hesitant about confining ourselves to a Monday-Friday schedule. It is true, I have been dragging my feet in the sand about these changes a bit… anyhow, back to happier thoughts– family walks, wave splashing, beach cottage thoughts!
Several negative low tides brought us out just as the sun was rising to search for sand dollars and other treasures. We enjoyed the successes of each beautiful discovery!
I’m crazy about Cole’s Future Old Salt shirt. Isn’t it the cutest?! I put him in it as often as I can when we’re at the cottage. I even think their faces look a little similar!
Cole has developed a fascination with barnacles, just like Isla. He now asks, “Go see de barnacles?” Then he shakes his head yes and responds to himself, “Sure!”
Of all the wonderful characteristics Isla models for Cole, CURIOSITY is my favorite. Isla’s excitement and genuine interest in the world around her is contagious, and Cole exhibits the same sparkly-eyed face of wonder when he watches his sister explore.
What characteristic do you love seeing your older children model for their siblings? Tell us in the comments below!
Love, love, love the way Cole puts his hand on us when we’re exploring together! Knowing we are his safe place means everything.
It’s a 3 mile trip to the river and back, and while Cole runs much of it himself, he needs a little assistance from time to time. This little dude is pushing 40 pounds, so yeah, it’s a good workout for us.
Isla was a sand-dollar finding machine! Her collection bag was filled to the brim!
The tides were so low that the “secret beach” around the headland of the estuary was accessible. So much sand had built up that we were actually able to walk way up along the river. As we explored this usually unreachable area we discovered tiny shore crabs everywhere!
Isla set to work catching the crabs as quickly as she could! Cole was very interested in the crabs, but nervous about holding them himself. With a little encouragement from his big sister, he held his first crab and was so excited!
Bracing himself to hold another crab. Haha!
We were so excited to have my childhood friend, Jamie, and her family join us at the cottage for a few days! We enjoyed lots of time splashing in the waves, collecting treasures, and listening to the sweet giggles of our kiddos playing together. Pure bliss! The only thing missing from our time is even ONE picture of us all together! Oops!
After finding this crab claw, Cole completely cracked himself up by pretending to pinch everyone with it!
Who knew that a yoga ball could be such a great beach toy?! Jamie and Aaron shared this fabulous tip with us. Dig a hole in the sand so that 3/4 of the ball is buried. Pack the sand tightly around the ball and it becomes a trampoline for the kids!
We are talking hours and hours of giggle-filled entertainment!
Nothing wraps up an afternoon on the beach like tin foil campfire dinners and s’mores before bed time. Summer perfection.
On Friday we bid farewell to Jamie’s family and welcomed Grauntie, Gruncle, and our friend, Steffen, from Germany. In the middle of our guest transitions I made a trip back to town to photograph our nephew Whitman’s delivery! This whirlwind day was one for the books!
Isla’s most epic barnacle find ever!
While exploring near the river Isla caught this little shrimp. It flipped out of her hand and landed on the sweatshirt tied around her waist. She was absolutely delighted that this little friend hung out with her for a few minutes.
Cole certainly relied on his courage and kindness when he came across all the little shore crabs near the river. He was so fascinated by them, but still not so sure he wanted to pick them up! He did creep up very, very close and talked so gently to them. It was the sweetest! Cole’s ADORABLE sweatshirt came from The Wishing Elephant. We are accumulating quite a collection of their shirts for the kiddos and love every one of them.
The sweetest sibling tide pool explorations ever.
Aaaaand, back to the barnacles!
A sweet treat helps take the sting out of leaving the cottage. Despite traffic’s best efforts to keep us sitting on the road, we made it to our favorite little fruit stand just minutes before closing and checked off another of our summer fun list activities. These fresh fruit milkshakes are sure hard to beat!
Good Dudes are rewarded with milkshakes.
Summers at the Oregon Coast sure are something special. (In case you didn’t get enough beachy goodness, our July cottage highlights are here) I’m off now to take Isla back to school shopping. Don’t worry, Oregon Coast, we will be back soon– even if we are confined to just weekend visits! Sniff, sniff…