
Isla Lost Her First Tooth!

This past Friday marked another big milestone for Isla– she lost her first tooth! She had been wiggling the tooth for weeks, and decided she wanted to pull it out, so I got the dental floss! Tearful and giggling, Isla displayed a mixture of nervousness and excitement as we got everything set up. Thankfully, the tooth popped right out, and within moments, Isla was nothing but smiles!

When it came time to prepare for the Tooth Fairy’s arrival, Isla was so giddy she could hardly contain herself!

After slipping the tooth under her pillow, she looked at me excitedly and said, “I hope the tooth fairy brings me a gold coin. That’s what someone at school told me, that she brings gold coins— or cash.”

I’m happy to report that the Tooth Fairy did in fact deliver– a gold coin AND cash! You only lose your first tooth once, after all.