Our holiday break at home was especially memorable this year. Not only was it Isla’s first Christmas, it was her first trip home to the states, and the first time meeting many of our family and friends! I’ll keep the commentary brief, as there are a gazillion pictures from our time in Oregon…
December 20th | Welcome home dinner at Nana Jan’s!
Isla met her Nana and Papa Marshall, her Marshall/vanBaggen aunties, uncles, and cousins, Grauntie Joanie and Gruncle EI (Great Auntie Joanie and Great Uncle EI- get it?!), “Uncles” Tristan, Ian, and Chaz, and “Auntie” Lizzie. We also got to meet our sweet niece, Waverly, for the first time! It was a fabulous evening!!!
December 21 | Meeting Santa and the Albaugh Family Christmas.
We were up bright and early the next day to squeeze in some Christmas shopping before meeting up with the siblings to take the girls to see Santa. Isla was super sleepy and dozed right through her first Santa encounter, but he was darling and played along for the photo. That afternoon we joined the Albaugh family for a lovely Christmas gathering, where Isla got to meet even more aunties, uncles and cousins. We had such a wonderful time catching up with everyone and introducing them to our sweet baby girl!
Isla was a happy camper in her car seat as long as the car was moving. First red cup of the season… yum!
There were 6 babies born in the family this year… here are 5 of them.
December 22 | Cookie Baking at Helene’s
More baby snuggling occurred than cookie baking, but that was just fine with us!
Isla loved looking at Nana’s Christmas tree!
December 23 | Cookie Baking and Prawns and Champagne Night
We headed over to “the compound” to spend the first part of the day with the Marshall/vanBaggen family, baking cookies. Isla received an early Christmas present, her Benny the Beaver pillow. Given that it came from our dear friends, and avid Duck fans, John and Michele, it was extra special. You will note that Isla was trying to sway her cousin Wavy in the right direction when it comes to choosing her future college…
The Duck fans in the house weren’t so sure about all the attention Benny was getting, so they had to even things out a bit with a pillow of their own…
Waverly was killing us in her Daddy’s glasses… she is definitely his mini-me!
Cousin snuggle!
That evening we headed up to the McD’s for our annual prawns and champagne night. Gathered around the coffee table with our bubbles, we share what we have been thankful for throughout the year, and it usually turns into a big, wonderful, sappy cry-fest. This year was no exception. As you may have imagined, our sweet Isla was at the top of everyone’s thankful list this year!
December 24 | Christmas Eve
On Christmas Eve we drove to Salem, stopping by the outlets for a little shopping. That evening we went to the Christmas Eve service at church and then headed home to enjoy Chinese take out and the OSU game.
December 25 | Christmas Day
Last Christmas Morgan was the only grandchild, and this year there were 4! Pretty impressive growth, I’d say! The family all gathered together Christmas morning for a delicious brunch and hours upon hours of present opening.
Isaac and his siblings grew up making a birthday cake for Jesus every Christmas, and now the tradition is being passed on to the granddaughters. Most of them are too little to be involved in the baking just yet, but Morgan happily took on the job of frosting the cake.Nana was sure busy making Christmas stockings this year!
Best Christmas present ever!!!
In the afternoon we headed north, over the river and through the city, to celebrate with the other side of the family…
Uncle T sang to Isla using an impressive Mickey Mouse voice, and she was completely captivated!
December 27| Isla’s Meet and Greet
We decided to host a meet and greet for Isla this year, as it allowed us to introduce Isla to lots of loved ones without the exhausting task of trying to get to everyone separately… it was also a great way to share lots of leftover Christmas goodies!
Once again, Mom created a beautiful and delicious spread!
Bella, ready and waiting for any crumbs that may happen to drop from the table.
Enjoying a little more time with Benny!
December 28 | Brunch and Girl’s Day
On the 28th we joined Robin, Ruthanne, Daniel, Lindsey, and darling Nora for a delicious brunch at The Kennedy School. Nora was so sweet and curious about Baby Isla!
Oh, little Nora, you are too cute for words!
After brunch, Mom, Robin, Ruthanne, and Isla had a girls’ day. It was a simplified version of our annual winter getaway, but plenty of snacks, games and good conversations were enjoyed!
December 29 | Breakfast and Beach
Another colossal breakfast from Gravy is in the books, this time enjoyed with our dear Dubai friends, Dan and Ashley. With full bellies, we hit the road and headed for the coast to introduce Isla to Winema and her beach cottage!
Spending time with Papa up at the cabin.
Hey, remember that time Bella rolled in the stinkiest, nastiest, God-only-knows-what at the cabin, and then was not allowed back outside unless she was supervised and on a leash? Yeah, me too.
December 30 | Isla’s First Walk on the Beach
Our days at the cottage were cozy and relaxing. It was so exciting to have Isla there with us, and I’ll admit I spent much of my time snuggled up with her, daydreaming about the years of fun that we’ll have at Winema as a family. I’m more thankful than ever that we have our little cottage!
Sister snuggles!
Dad and his girls.
December 31 | New Year’s Eve
We started the final day of the year with a walk along the shore and ended it with Banangrams and bubbly up at the Cabin with the Goff’s. Unfortunately we didn’t take many pictures that evening… perhaps it’s because I was so busy cramming my face with chex mix? Farewell and thank you 2013, you have been the most amazing year!
First bath at the beach!
January 1 | New Years Day
More beach walks and relaxation at the cottage…
Isaac and Bella testing out our new GoPro camera.
Love, love, love watching our happy girl on the beach! She is a true beach dog.
Welcome 2014! Can’t celebrate the new years without black-eyed peas. Yum!
Someone discovered her feet.
January 2 | Until Summer, Winema…
January 3-5 | San Francisco
We enjoyed a wonderful weekend in San Francisco, where we photographed Tamara and Boima’s beautiful wedding.
January 5 | Nana and Papa’s House
Upon returning from San Fran, we headed south to spend a few days at Nana and Papa’s house. Isla loved talking with her cousin Morgan.
Our holidays at home couldn’t have been any sweeter! Already counting the days until summer… so much fun awaits us!