
Grateful, Thankful, Very Full

After two back-to-back Thanksgiving celebrations, I can say that our hearts and bellies were indeed grateful, thankful, and very full!

We celebrated with the whole Marshall family on Thanksgiving. We enjoyed an amazing feast, the kiddos played non-stop, and we even found a few minutes to sneak away for some family portraits at a nearby park! Not bad for a self-timer propped on a 2-legged tripod leaning against a log!

On Friday we celebrated with the LaRocca/McDaniel families. My mom and Isaac collaborated on the decor and it was absolutely beautiful! The evening was filled with more delicious food, great conversation, and games!

Life is made of many ups and downs, but through it all we remind ourselves we have so, so, so much to be grateful for– especially our health, safety, and loved ones. We are extra thankful for these little turkeys who fill our hearts to overflowing!

We hope your Thanksgivings were filled with warmth and happiness, and spent with those you love most!

You can find the kids’ adorable “grateful thankful very full” sweatshirts HERE.