I’m playing catch up like a mad woman with our family photos (unedited images since last November!) and the blog. Before moving on to our summer highlights and more current life happenings, I wanted to share some photos from Isaac’s first Father’s Day, as well as some favorite photos from this spring with our sweet Isla…
So true! Isla is the luckiest little girl in the world to have Isaac for her Daddy. I plan to help her recreate the World’s Best Daddy hand print art every year so that he will have a collection.
Our much-loved, but short-lived crinkle nose smile
IIsla LOVES to drink out of our water glasses. She gets the cutest grin across her face after she gulps the water, and you can just feel her beaming with pride!
More painting fun with our little artist!
Sampling the paint is still just as fun as painting with it.
Post-painting bath time!
Isla’s first tippy cup.