
Cole’s New Truck– What Car-Obsessed Kids’ Dreams Are Made Of!

With all the rain and party excitement on Cole’s actual birthday, we decided to wait to give him his big birthday present: his own truck! Then he was sick the whole week following the party, we were unbelievably busy with work, there was a long stretch of rainy weather, and before we knew it several weeks had passed! Finally, the stars aligned and we had a healthy boy, a free afternoon, and lovely weather. It was truck time!

This is THE COOLEST truck! Not only can Cole drive it, but we can control it with a remote! Toddler parents, this is a game changer! It is the perfect way for us to help Cole while he’s still a little bit young to manage the steering and acceleration all by himself.

While Cole was thrilled, Safa was not so sure about the new truck.

Cole had the best time cruising up and down the sidewalk, exploring each and every feature of the truck, giggling like crazy, and proudly waving at all the neighbors. It was amazing! I foresee many happy neighborhood drives in our future.