
Category Archives: Asia

Shanghai: What we’ve learned as of August 29th

The past few weeks have provided us with a roller coaster of ups and downs.  Here are a few highlights of what we’ve learned… – It is impossible to get all your groceries from just one shop… or two… or three…  it is possible, however, to purchase any and every part of a chicken from...


We have completed day 4 with our students, and are on the verge of starting to feel like we might be getting the hang of things… most likely… I think.  Transitions are complicated, and they leave you feeling out of control and somewhat lost, no matter how great things may be.  I honestly can’t say...

Making Noodles

This past week has kept us busy with school related events and preparations for the start of the year.  It’s a whirlwind of newness, as we adjust to a new city, a new school, new curriculum, new teaching positions, new language, new weather patterns, new smells, new sounds, new stores, new people, new foods… and...

Shanghai: What We’ve Learned So Far

Today officially marks our first week in Shanghai.  Here are a few things we’ve learned about our new home so far… – it’s pronounced “Shong-hai” – the backs of our knees can sweat more than we ever thought humanly possible – while Shanghai is one of the most “western” and cosmopolitan cities in China, most...

Our First Week in Shanghai

We made it!  We’re here!  It’s almost impossible to wrap our brains around the fact the we are living in China!  Our first week in Shanghai has been a whirlwind (or typhoon?!) of intense humidity, fabulous people, sightseeing, and chopsticks! Even before leaving the states, I became startling more aware of how different our life...