
Category Archives: China

Never Completely Home

I read a quote today that beautifully sums up the feeling that lives in our bones, and can be so hard to explain to others, about living abroad. It’s a feeling that causes your emotions to waver, and a feeling we wrestle with often, but the struggle is worth it for the magic and wonder...

A Peek Into Our Eric Carle Author Study

During the months of August and September my first grade class has been studying Eric Carle. Below are examples of some of our reader response activities. We completed these activities as a part of our daily literacy centers. House for Hermit Crab In A House for Hermit Crab, the hermit crab decides its home is...

Which End?

A 1st grader from another class approached me this morning and asked, “Mrs. Marshall, do you have a baby in your tummy?” I told him I did and that she was getting big. He cocked his head to the side, thoughtfully patted my belly and then asked, “So which end does she come out of,...

34 Week Ultrasound

Isla’s saying, “Hello, world! So excited to meet you in a few weeks!” We had a great 34 week check up with our baby girl. She is just over 4.5 lbs and is growing strong. The doctors do not think my gestational diabetes are affecting her, which is a HUGE relief for this Momma. Based...

Eric Carle Author Study: Brown Bear

Our first author (and illustrator) of the month is Eric Carle! His colorful collages are recognized around the world and so fun to look at. Studying his work has allowed us to learn some different art techniques, as well as writing skills. In addition to reading Eric Carle’s stories we have been creating so many...