
Category Archives: Education

100th Day of School

We’re 100 days older and 100 days wiser! On February 10th we celebrated the 100th day of school and it was a fantastic time to reflect upon the social, emotional, and academic growth students have made in 1st grade. All week anticipation mounted, as class activities focused on the number 100, culminating in an exciting...

Happy Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween, everyone!  Here are some photos from the SCIS Elementary Halloween Carnival I helped coordinate last Friday… Each grade level provided a game or activity for the carnival.  The first grade team ran the creepy feely boxes.  My mom created these wonderfully creative boxes during her visit.  Thanks again, Mom!  They were a HUGE...

Clouds and Lightning

Ah, clouds and lightning… I will never look at them the same way again after today, thanks to the cutest little wide-eyed girl in my class. I’ll start by providing you with some background… the first science unit I am teaching this year is on plants. The first lesson of that unit requires students to...