Hello new favorite advent activity!!! Candy cane hunts are so simple and SO fun! We were too tired on the 17th to do our advent activity, so we just decided to double up the next day, and it was such a good choice.
In between Isla’s morning classes we had a candy cane hunt! I hid two boxes of candy canes around the house— and you can bet your sweet buns I hid one in the giant pile of laundry I had waiting for me on the couch!
The kids had a blast searching all over for the candy canes. When they were done, I had them work together to count the candy canes to ensure they had found them all. Then, of course, they each got to choose one to enjoy. They pulled a chair in front of the fire and snuggled up together entirely on their own!
Like dinner by the tree, dinner by the fireplace is a wonderful option when you need an easy, no-prep advent activity! Having recently finished up our fireplace renovation, there was added appeal for us snuggle up and enjoy it! Cozy, cozy, cozy!!!
Our annual visit with Santa is one of our most treasured Christmas traditions! We met “our” Santa at the mall several years ago and have hired him to come to our annual cousin gingerbread decorating day every year since. Knowing that was not an option this year, and that this is very likely the last year Isla is going to believe with her whole heart, I reached out to see if Santa might be offering Zoom visits. Thankfully, he was! ⠀
We worked closely with Santa’s elves before our call to ensure the experience was filled with wonder. I sent him the kids’ letters and a few important life updates ahead of time, so that he had talking points he could bring up with them. Santa and Mrs. Claus then sent the kids a beautiful hardback copy of the Polar Express (which he read to them during their call) and the cutest sugar cookie set! Mrs. Claus joined in at the end of the call and decorated cookies alongside the kids. How amazing is that?!⠀ ⠀
The kids were absolutely ecstatic to have the opportunity to talk with their pal, Santa! The three of them chatted away, catching up on the highs and lows of the year. Santa offered Isla such kind and supportive sentiments about Charlie, and thankfully, he belted out genuine laughter when Cole called him a greasy banana (of course THAT was Cole’s takeaway from watching the original Grinch movie!). Despite the distance, and the craziness of the year, the kids’ visit with Santa was still a wonderfully enchanting experience! Hooray!!!⠀
Our Santa is truly one special guy, and we are so, so grateful to have been able to keep the magic alive this year for Isla and Cole!
Each year as we reflect upon our advent activities, Isla lists dinner by the tree as one of her favorites. It is perfect for a busy day, or when we need to change plans at the last minute. Lights twinkling, music on, we huddle together at the base of our tree and share a meal— it really doesn’t get much easier or lovelier!⠀
This sweet little tree of ours is definitely in the skinny, Charlie Brown-ish realm, as far as trees go, but it holds such a special place in our hearts! Our tree has traveled with us through 3 countries and 5 homes. We bought it during our first year in Dubai. Isaac and I still remember the day so vividly. It was November 11, 2007, and we were feeling kind of blue, dealing with the frustrations and culture shock that accompany a big move overseas. We needed to pick up some items at IKEA, so we drove across the desert to Festival City. Not finding everything we needed, we begrudgingly decided to check the nearby Ace Hardware store. As we walked through the automatic doors, we were blasted by air conditioning, Christmas music, and flashing lights. We couldn’t believe what we were seeing, but the barrage of festive holiday decor instantly lifted our spirits! Absolutely zero restraint was shown— we bought the tree, boxes of lights, ornaments, and decorations by the carts— yes, cart”s”— full. After loading the back of our Pajero, we drove home through the golden desert, with blue skies overhead, massive smiles on our faces, and Christmas music blaring through our speakers. It was an experience neither of us will ever forget— a life-shaping moment you look back on with deep fondness and gratitude. We have the gift of reliving those memories every time we set our little tree up each Christmas!
Our tree this year, and our tree during our first year in Dubai.
I love this sweet and simple tradition that is perfect for breakfast or dinner! Simply make one large round pancake for the head, one medium round pancake for the muzzle, two small oval pancakes for ears, bacon for antlers, chocolate chips for eyes, and a cherry for the nose. You could certainly substitute the toppings with other fruits, nuts, etc. Let the kiddos assemble, and then devour!⠀
Now, in the spirit of parental solidarity, what you don’t see in these photos is the child who was bouncing off the walls and completely unable to control himself, or the child who was acting dramatic and moody, or the mother who snapped at the children instead of taking a deep breath and finding a better way to communicate. All that transparency to say, even when you LOVE creating special experiences like this, sometimes they fall a little flat. No one can possibly have everything together or perfect all the time. Find what works for you, navigate the bumps as best you can, and keep seeking joy!⠀ ⠀ I am also happy to report that despite the hiccups on our actual reindeer pancake day, the kids enjoyed them so much that they have requested them every morning since. As soon as Cole wakes up he asks if we can make “dose moose pancakes wif da cherry noses” for breakfast!