
Birthday Beach Trip

We snuck away to the cottage for Isaac’s birthday this year. Our time together was filled with beautiful walks (our favorite!), sweet spring wildflowers, giggle-filled wave jumping, and celebrating our favorite guy!

Isla brought her binoculars to the cottage and she and Cole spent the first part of the morning perched in front of the window, watching the waves and the dune grass, and the birds hopping around the dew-soaked lawn.

We took an impromptu hike in the morning- an “adventure hike” Isla called it- up through the forest on the hill by our cottage (our first hike through this forest). It was one of those magical misty PNW mornings that is both still and invigorating. The earth was soft beneath our feet, the air was damp, and everything smelled green. This was definitely one of our favorite family walks to date!

The trails we hike are flanked in salal, which produce such darling little flowers in the spring. The only issue is that Cole wants to stop and pick them all!

I love, love, LOVE when he stretches his sweet hand up to be held. He wraps his little fingers so tightly around mine. These moments make me wish I could freeze time!
During our forest hike there was some steep and slippery terrain, so Cole reached his little hand up and asked, “Help you?” That little bit of assistance gave him the confidence he needed to keep pushing forward. Such a strong little wayfarer!

This particular morning started the morning with Isla gifting me this lovely wildflower bouquet. Buttercups have been a favorite of mine since I was her age, so I was feeling loved and nostalgic.

Hooray for Daddo’s Birthday!!!

Happy birthday to my sweet Isaac! I look at this photo and can’t help but smile because it captures the tenderness of your beautiful heart. You are an incredible man, and I feel so fortunate to adventure through life with you. I admire your patience, integrity, kindness, and your efforts to continually grow and educate yourself. I love the little creases that appear beside your eyes when you smile, because I know that means you are feeling your happiest. I value your hard work and persistence at building a life that we love- even when things are uncertain or challenging. I experience my greatest inspiration when we walk hand in hand and dream together. I feel most grounded when I am wrapped up in your arms. Thank you for being my best friend, a dedicated partner in all things, and a loving, present father. You mean the world to us, and we are so excited to celebrate you. Happy birthday, babe!

It’s always hard to leave the beach. But, we are grateful to carry happy memories home with us… and all the sand that comes along with them!

“I pay mah-ner?” (I play in the water?) Cole asked as soon as the ocean came into view. He giggled and cheered with each wave that washed over his feet.

39 and oh-so fine!

We brought Charlie to the cottage with us for the first time this trip. Before leaving, we drove down to Lincoln City and decided to take Charlie on a little beach walk!