Each year as we reflect upon our advent activities, Isla lists dinner by the tree as one of her favorites. It is perfect for a busy day, or when we need to change plans at the last minute. Lights twinkling, music on, we huddle together at the base of our tree and share a meal— it really doesn’t get much easier or lovelier!⠀
This sweet little tree of ours is definitely in the skinny, Charlie Brown-ish realm, as far as trees go, but it holds such a special place in our hearts! Our tree has traveled with us through 3 countries and 5 homes. We bought it during our first year in Dubai. Isaac and I still remember the day so vividly. It was November 11, 2007, and we were feeling kind of blue, dealing with the frustrations and culture shock that accompany a big move overseas. We needed to pick up some items at IKEA, so we drove across the desert to Festival City. Not finding everything we needed, we begrudgingly decided to check the nearby Ace Hardware store. As we walked through the automatic doors, we were blasted by air conditioning, Christmas music, and flashing lights. We couldn’t believe what we were seeing, but the barrage of festive holiday decor instantly lifted our spirits! Absolutely zero restraint was shown— we bought the tree, boxes of lights, ornaments, and decorations by the carts— yes, cart”s”— full. After loading the back of our Pajero, we drove home through the golden desert, with blue skies overhead, massive smiles on our faces, and Christmas music blaring through our speakers. It was an experience neither of us will ever forget— a life-shaping moment you look back on with deep fondness and gratitude. We have the gift of reliving those memories every time we set our little tree up each Christmas!