
Advent Activities Days 24 & 25– Christmas Eve & Christmas Day

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day ARE the 24th and 25th advent activities. No additional planning needed!

We spent the night at the McD’s after our prawns and champagne night, and created our own little Christmas morning experience with them on Christmas Eve morning. We relaxed in our jammies, enjoyed biscuits and gravy, and opened presents.

Grauntie and I definitely ventured into the unknown when we decided to design and create the white Elsa dress from Frozen 2 for Isla based off of a few blurry photos from the internet. It took numerous trips to the craft store, several redesigns, and hours upon hours of work, but seeing this joyful reaction made every challenge completely worth it!!!

Isla couldn’t wait to put her dress on and get into character!
Cole was in love with Isla’s Elsa dress too, so we gave him the first top we made that was too small.

Christmas Eve 2019 was a cozy one with the Marshall Fam! Our evening began with a candlelight service at church, and was followed by an appetizer dinner, happy conversation, thoughtful gift exchange, and lots of harmonica playing! Nana and Papa gifted each of the grand kids their own harmonica and they happily played them throughout the evening! Papa has played the harmonica for years so we are hopeful he can teach Isla and Cole the basics. We deeply appreciate when people give gifts from the heart that encourage connection and the sharing of interests! Nana and Papa also gave all the grand kids walkie talkies that work together and they were a huge hit! The walkie talkies have a several mile range, so we cannot wait to try them out with all the cousins at the beach next year! I can already envision the silly giggling and make believe they’ll share as they call each other, and that makes my heart so happy!

Christmas morning magic. There’s really nothing like it, is there? We soaked it all up this year. From the excited squeals our kids made when they saw the tree, to the breakfast Santa provided (wink, wink), to the heartfelt exchange of gifts. It really was a magical morning, and we feel so grateful to have experienced it all together.

Per tradition, we put out bacon and beer for Santa. And just like in years past, he thoroughly enjoyed them!
Santa gifts!
Ice skates from Santa!!!
Isla was so thrilled to give Charlie the gift she bought for him. He thoroughly enjoyed his treats (even though it looks like he’s being force fed in the photo- ha!), his new toys, and his catnip spray!
Charlie surprised Isla with a puzzle featuring a photo from the first time they met. Such a thoughtful kitty!
Isla made Daddo a beautiful new pencil holder for his desk at work.
Isla was so pumped when we gifted her the “grown up wooden easel” she had requested. It was actually the easel I had as a child, and I cannot wait to see all of the wonderful things she will create on it!
Cole painted a beautiful frame and we put a family photo in it for Daddo’s desk.
The kiddos exchanged gifts this year. Since Cole runs around playing “Dr Jill” (a game he has made up after his wonderful pediatrician) all the time, Isla gave him his own doctor’s kit. Cole gave Isla a Toothless stuffed animal. Both kiddos were absolutely ecstatic with the gifts. With a little help and encouragement it’s amazing how thoughtful kids can be with giving!
Cole’s train from Santa! He played with it all morning.

We spent the evening of Christmas at the McD’s with our extended family. It was a merry celebration, and the perfect way to wrap up our Christmas season!

These kiddos are definitely the BEST gift ever!!!