
Advent Activities Day 19– Reindeer Pancakes and Chicken and Waffles Night

It was our second year sharing reindeer pancakes and chicken and waffles for dinner with the Hansons— a tradition is born!!! Woo hoo!

Part of the fun of advent activities is making up a few new traditions of your own, and this festive evening is definitely a favorite! We keep the evening lighthearted and simple with a semi-homemade meal, lots of Christmas music, and lots of laughter.

To make the reindeer pancakes all you need is pancake mix, chocolate chips, maraschino cherries, and bacon. When making the pancakes, pour small ovals of batter for the ears, small circles for the muzzle, and large circles for the heads. Then, let the kids assemble, admire, and devour!

Once the kiddos were happy and full they played while the grown ups feasted on fried chicken, waffles, and heavenly maple bourbon whipped cream! Yummmmmm! We make the waffles and whipped cream, and order the fried chicken from the deli. Easy peasy and soooo delicious! We were so busy eating this year that we forgot to take pictures– ha!

Toni and I surprised the guys with some hilarious new holiday shirts, and I have no doubt they’ll wear them proudly for future chicken and waffle nights! Cheers to wonderful friends, great big belly laughs, and creating your own happy holiday traditions!