The month of January kept us incredibly busy with returning to Shanghai, resuming work responsibilities, basketball tournaments, and weekend trips to Harbin and Beijing. We spent the first full weekend of February relaxing at home and it was wonderfully refreshing!
Isla sampled her first smoothie and loved it!
We spent lots of time coloring. Isla’s interest in drawing has skyrocketed the past few weeks, and she asks to, “cuh-yer?” several times a day, at least!
A few weeks ago we began to decorate some cardboard boxes that we had around the house. Each day we add a few new designs and scribbles. Isla likes to sit inside the larger boxes while she colors.
We ventured into the city around lunch time for a super fun lifestyle shoot and indulged in countless scrumptious xiaolongbao dumplings!
Later that afternoon we met up with Cal, Sherry, and Lucas for a little stroll through the city and dinner. It was the perfect way to wrap up our lovely Saturday!
Lucas was completely captivated by the fish for sale in one of the alleys. We can’t wait to take him to the aquarium this summer when his family visits us in Oregon!