
High Five for 5 Years!!!

It’s our 5-year anniversary today!  Hooray!!!



5 years ago, I married the love of my life.  July 22, 2006 was the most perfect day; brilliant blue skies, a light breeze, the sun was shining, every charming detail was taken care of, and many of our dear friends and family came to celebrate with us.  I will never forget walking down the aisle, and seeing Isaac’s face smiling- no, beaming at me.  I thought I might melt into a mushy love puddle right there.  He’s perfected that look over the years, and I often find myself melting into love puddles… =)

.All wedding photos courtesy of Nicole Wickens of Green Door Photography



The past 5 years together have been filled with love, laughter, and adventure!   We’ve traveled to 23 countries and moved halfway around the world together- and we’re about to do it again!  Seeing the world with you has been incredible, to say the least!  Our travels have grown us as individuals and as a couple in countless ways.  Many of our experiences have stretched us to our limits, causing us to be more creative and effective problem solvers.  We appreciate the discomfort, frustrations, and fears we’ve experienced, however, because they have helped us to grow closer and continually improve our communication- and we all know, communication in a relationship is key!  Of course the negative experiences are FAR outweighed by the positives.  The people we’ve met, sights we’ve seen, and cultures we’ve experienced are constantly shaping our world view and fueling our passion to continue seeking, and living life to the fullest.  We’ve experienced more beauty, serenity, diversity, thrills, and wonder than many people experience in a lifetime.  I cannot wait to see where the wind takes us next.  My greatest prayer and wish is for a lifetime of exploring, dreaming, and discovering with you!

When I think back through the past 5 years, I am immensely grateful, and honestly amazed… we have accomplished and experienced so much together!  Of course I always refer back to our favorite Antoine de Saint-Exupery quote:

Love does not consist of gazing at one another, but looking together in the same direction.

While I am so proud of the loving, dedicated relationship we’ve built, I am absolutely over the moon each time I realize we are looking together in the same direction. During the past 5 years our views and dreams have become more and more aligned. The best part is I have such clear memories of instances where I’ve become aware of this progression.  It’s so exciting!  When we sit and talk about our dreams, aspirations, frustrations- you know, life- I am honestly tempted to pinch myself just to make sure what I am experiencing is real.  We are looking in the same direction.  More and more every moment.  We are living and building our dream, day by day.  I thank God every day for blessing me with you for a husband, partner, best friend, and inspiration!  You are the love of my life, and I cannot wait to find out what incredible experiences await us in the future.  Here’s to many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many more healthy, happy, adventure-filled years together!   I love you with all my heart! xoxo