These jack-o-lanterns are a wonderfully simple seasonal craft we just learned about from a new friend. When Cole and I were on our morning walk last week we met the sweetest woman named Mary. She saw Cole playing in the leaves and came outside to say hello. Mary has lived in her beautiful home for forty years and has always loved the fall leaves in our neighborhood. She told us that every year she collects and cuts leaves to look like little jack-o-lanterns. Then she presses them and hangs them up around her home. How sweet is that?! We are grateful to have met Mary and love that every time we look at these jack-o-lanterns we will be reminded of the lovely people in our neighborhood!
- orange leaves (make sure they are still pliable, so that you can fold them easily)
- sharp scissors
- a flower press or a few heavy books
- Cut the points off of your leaf so that you have a rounded pumpkin shape. It’s fun to make a mix of oval and circle shaped pumpkins.
- Fold the leaf in half lengthwise once and then a second time. This allows you to cut symmetrical eyes. Cut any eye shape you’d like. We had the best luck with triangles.
- Open the leaf up. Then fold the leaf in half lengthwise once. Cut a nose.
- Keeping the leaf folded in half, cut a mouth
- Open your leaf up, place it front side down in your leaf press (or under a heavy book)
- Let leaves press for 48-72 hours.
You can display your leaf jack-o-lanterns as they are or use them in a craft! Here are a few ideas:
- string several leaves together on a piece of twine to make a garland
- incorporate one (or more) into a spooky Halloween drawing
- mount one (or more) on a piece of white paper and frame it
- mount one on the front of a blank card– the perfect Halloween card!
- tape them to your windows
- laminate them to make a Halloween bookmark (The laminator we have is, sadly, unavailable. THIS option is really similar and has great reviews. It is super affordable and works so well for craft projects! Also, if you need to grow your family’s Halloween library, check out our favorites HERE.)
We would LOVE to see your leaf jack-o-lantern creations! Please tag us on Instragram (@wayfarerfamily) or share them to our Wayfarer Family Facebook Page. We’d love to have you follow along with us there if you aren’t already!