
Prawns and Champagne Night

Traveling halfway around the world with Christmas gifts always presents some challenges. Fear of damage always prevents us from wrapping the gifts before we pack them, which leaves us with a mountain of wrapping to complete once we’re back stateside. Thanks to my mom for letting us overtake her living room and use it as our wrapping station!


Some of our favorite stocking stuffers to give this year were these dumpling recipe cards. We included the recipe from our dumpling-making class this fall, and attached some cute bamboo chopsticks. Isn’t my hubby a talented designer?!


Bella was exhausted from all the wrapping…


I love our cute girl!


Every year we gather with the McD’s to celebrate the 23rd with Cajun prawns and champagne. It’s an evening that is filled with silliness and togetherness, and I absolutely cherish it! Besides sipping on bubbly, we spend time talking, laughing, and reflecting on the many things we are thankful for in our lives. Obviously, my family and this festive tradition are high on my list!
