
Favorite Spring Picture Books

We love charming picture books, and enjoy discovering wonderful new stories to add to our library. We keep most of Isla’s books in her room year-round, but have a collection of seasonal and holiday books that we rotate in and out. It is so exciting to rediscover our seasonal books every year; reading through each familiar story wraps us in a warm, nostalgic hug. It is also such a thrill to find wonderful new tales to add to our collection. We are so happy to share about a few of our recent favorite spring picture books with you!

The Easter Bunny brought Isla Stories from Bug Garden this year, and it is the most darling collection of stories featuring different bugs that live in the an old abandoned garden. The whimsical, expressive artwork pairs perfectly with each delightful tale. This book has become a fast favorite in our household, and honestly, we love it more every time we read it (which is often).

Isla was absolutely enamored with the story about Roly Poly, so she was thrilled to discover one when we were pulling weeds the other day. Being quite the cautious little bug, it stayed rolled tightly in a ball for a long time, inspiring Isla to name it Little Scaredy. She patiently waited for Little Scaredy to unroll, and then giggled like crazy as its tiny feet tickled her hands.

When I was a little girl I kept roly poly bugs as pets. Yes, seriously. I actually discovered the following book a few months ago and had been storing it away in our gift bin, but this seemed like the perfect opportunity to share it with Isla.

Hank’s Big Day follows Hank, a roly poly, through his daily routine. The highlight of his day is playing with his adventurous human friend, Amelia.

What friendship looks like. Could this illustration of Hank and Amelia gazing at each other be any sweeter?!

I’ve started compiling a list of our most favorite spring picture books on Pinterest in case you’d like to check them out. Happy reading!