
Happy Easter 2018!

We extended our stay at the coast through Easter and were joined by Nana, Grauntie and Gruncle. Our relaxing weekend together consisted of beach walks, movies, yummy food and some Easter fun.

The forecast called for lots of rain on Easter Sunday (it was right) and so I had the kiddos put on their Easter best on Saturday for a few photos.

We spent a little time outside in the sunshine and stumbled across the Easter Bunny! What luck!

Then we made our way down to the beach for a sunset stroll…

We came across a HUGE flock of sandpipers during our walk and they were just fascinating to observe. They scuttled up and down the sand, perfectly in sync with the ebb and flow of the tide. Isla made several enthusiastic attempts to make friends (as in, she ran full speed at them), but the sandpipers were a bit on the shy side.

As soon as we got home that evening we watched the Pixar Sandpiper short film- and then on repeat countless times over the next few days. Isla was so inspired she started drawing sandpipers.

Just as she was heading off to bed, Isla casually mentioned how excited she was to find the eggs the Easter Bunny hid (Huh? We’ve never done this before!). Good thing she shared that expectation, as it ensured the magic could live on a little longer! The next morning she was thrilled to discover her Easter basket and absolutely tickled to find the Easter bunny’s attempt at camouflaging many of her eggs.

The Easter Bunny came to the cottage! He left only a few nibbles of his carrots behind, along with some wonderful goodies! Bugs and gardens were the theme of Isla and Cole’s baskets this year- all inspired by this darling book! It is our favorite spring book and we will share more about it in a separate post soon. Both baskets were filled with new books, as the Easter Bunny is an avid reader, you know. He also left some darling new bunny baskets for both kiddos. He included a cute little Easter sign, some jelly beans and a baby chick for Isla. For Cole, he gifted a fun new dragonfly toy and some linking rings.

Isla had been asking for a tiny realistic toy chick for months, and she was absolutely certain the Easter Bunny would deliver. When Isla saw the baskets she raced straight to her chick, scooped it up, and covered it with hugs and kisses. She named her Little Peep Peep and they were inseparable all day.

Little Peep Peep even assisted Isla with her Easter Egg hunt.

I wasn’t sure how aware Cole would be about his Easter basket, but he was actually quite excited! He pulled each item out one by one and gummed them a bit. He was very interested in his books and watched each page intently as I read them to him.

His dragonfly was (and still is) a big hit!

Easter morning snuggles with Gruncle.

After all the Easter basket and egg hunt fun, we enjoyed a very leisurely morning together. Jammies stayed on for hours! A lovely little Easter feast rounded out our day, leaving our hearts and bellies very full.