
5 Tips for Stress-Free Family Photos You Love!

As the summer came to a close we decided it was time for some new family photos. We invited our photographer friend Lauren to join us at our beach cottage, and we are just thrilled with the memories she preserved for us! Thank you, Lauren!!!

We know taking family photos can be stressful for some, so we thought we’d share some of the tips we share with our clients to help create a joyful experience AND photos you will love!

5 Tips for StressFree Family Photos You Love:

  • Take your photos in a MEANINGFUL LOCATION. Choose a location you love spending time together, a place where you all feel relaxed, or a spot that holds happy memories for you. A familiar setting will help you feel more comfortable in front of the camera and adds a sentimental touch to your images. You may want to consider taking photos in your child’s favorite place. This is a great way to help them feel relaxed and ensure plenty of genuine smiles.
  • Highlight YOUR unique family. Family photos are not about creating perfect images. Please, please, please remember this! Family photos are meant to capture your family and the connections you share. They are meant to preserve a particular time in your lives. So, don’t miss the opportunity to highlight what life looks like for your family. Is your child obsessed with a particular outfit? Let them wear it! (At least for some of the photos). Do they have a treasured toy? Let them bring it! These little details help tell your genuine story and are the nostalgic touch you will adore when you look back at your photos in years to come.
  • Include a FAVORITE ACTIVITY. Most families aren’t super comfortable in front of the camera, and so having something to do can help your family relax and act naturally. Plus, it is wonderful to have your favorite pastime preserved for you to look back at years later. Our family LOVES to look for treasures on our beach walks, so naturally we included some collecting in our family photos.
  • Prepare your kids AHEAD OF TIME. It is very safe to assume your children do NOT understand how meaningful family photos are to you. So, talk to your children before your session! Explain that having nice photos makes your heart happy, describe what the experience will be like, and set clear expectations for their behavior. And say it more than once. Set everyone up for success.
  • Come WELL-FED and BRING SNACKS. Nothing turns a photo session into a sour experience faster than a couple of hangry family members! Make sure your family eats well before your session and bring along some non-messy snacks (cheese sticks, almonds, veggie sticks, crackers, etc.). Don’t forget to bring water. Some wipes are helpful too!

Friends, we hope these tips help you enjoy your next photo experience AND ensure the photos are truly reflective of your unique family! Do you have any other helpful suggestions? Feel free to leave them in the comments!