
Advent Activities Day 3- Choose Toys to Donate

To encourage giving spirits in our kids, we start talking to them pretty early on about how they can share what they have with others. This advent activity provides us an opportunity to work WITH Isla and Cole to look for toys, games, and clothes they no longer use, that are in good shape, and can be enjoyed by others. While we still handle the majority of the sorting and donating process for Cole, we allow Isla to make 99.9% of the decisions for her own things. We’ve included her more actively in this process since she was 3 (and showing greater attachment to her belongings) to ensure we were being respectful of the items that she valued. We gave her more guidance when she was younger (“Do you still play with that toy? Do you think you’d like to play with it in the future? Is that special to you? Does that still fit you?”), but this year she chose ALL of the items to donate and was incredibly thoughtful and intentional through the process. A sentimental soul, she teared up as she reflected on happy memories she experienced with some of the items, but explained that she hadn’t played with them in a long time and that other children could use them.

When we make donations, we have developed a system for where we take items that (we feel) works really well. We take as many of the clothes, toys, and useful baby gear to a local women’s and children’s shelter. It is our goal to give them as much as possible! Items the shelter doesn’t need or can’t use go to Goodwill. Lastly, we take our well-worn/stained clothing to H&M because they have a great recycling program. The clothes they receive are redistributed or recycled based on their wear— the best clothing is donated to people in need and the worn clothes are recycled. Even the scraps and lint leftover from the recycling process are used as fillers! H&M gives you a 15% off coupon in exchange for a bag of donated clothes too.
We have found the practice of selecting items to donate is a great thing to do early in the month of December, as it helps children become more aware of all that they already have. When it comes time to make their Christmas list they ask for less and are more focused on what they can give. Win-win! What are ways you raise awareness in your children and encourage them to give to others?